Monday, October 28, 2013

Reklaw, TX Fly-In

Went to the Fly in in Reklaw, TX last weekend! It was my first year to go and boy was I surprised. There were so many planes! I had no idea it was that big of a shindig!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Doing the research....

If you are reading this blog it is because the thought of building your own plane intrigues you. It has been on my mind since I was a kid and I discovered that people actually built their own aircraft and flew them.

The reasons to build are as varied as the types of kitbuilt aircraft to build. Cost, enjoyment, and educational value are a few of the main reasons. They are my main reasons as well. I am an avid camper and enjoy spending my time outdoors. My ideal aircraft is one that has a high useful load, is fast enough to cover greater distances, and has the STOL capability to get in to and, more importantly back out of, the areas that I want to visit. I am not able to go out and purchase a plane that meets these needs for me right now. But I can put money gradually into a project like building my own.

The search has covered a wide variety of planes. There are many kits out there that have reduced build times and good support. The Bearhawk designed by Bob Borrows is one such aircraft. It was originally available as plans only, but now, it is also available in kit form. A quick google search shows a myriad of  normal people like myself undertaking this project. The performance speaks for itself.

That being said, the Bearhawk is the plane I have decided to build. I will by blogging on this site about the progress so I have a build log and can contribute to the community and help others like those that have built before me. Bear with me as I embark on this adventure and feel free to contact me with questions and support!